Next suggestion: Disengage from the drama!
One of the reasons you maybe getting negative feedback, or get whispered about behind your back, or are thought of as the odd ball – misfit in the group, is because you are! BUT in a good way. Your higher vibrational frequency can be discordant to those of different vibratory cycles – and that is a good thing – the way of a way-shower. The good news is, this does not mean that you have to quit your job tomorrow, or stay miserable. Own it, stand in that truth. Feel the confidence of that empowerment, then allow yourself to remain confident in that truth without needing to disclose this to the people you work with. Keep this truth to yourself. This is not appropriate work time conversation.
Firstly, and on your own free time, figure out why you are at the job you are at and how long you need to stay there.
Next, decide what your intention is. Is it to get through a year until retirement or is it to hang in there until you find another job? These decisions will help you by providing a timeline to work within.
Next, figure out where the discordant vibrational offering is coming from. In other words, who is “vibing” you out? Is it the boss or is it a click of folks that tend to be the gossipers? Figure out order of magnitude: Boss, manager, co-worker, subordinate etc. then proceed with your first priority. The person who has the biggest ax to grind with the larger paycheck, they will be first priority.
First thing’s first, decide that you would like to grow and expand from this experience. Come into the present moment with a fresh perspective by forgiving all involved for any past drama. Put the past to rest, and start anew each and every day. If letting go and forgiving feels difficult, trying setting the intention to let go and allow forgiveness with the passage of time.
Come to work grounded. Do your inner prep-work before you step in the work door. Meditate, mantra, exercise do what you can to maximize your happiness quotient.
Remember that you are a sovereign being. Each moment is a chosen moment by you. You can chose how you will feel about your work.