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Get En Utero. Why this little known type of regression is so cool!

What Happens in the Womb, Stays in the Womb…

Unless You Regress.

If we were locked into the patterns of emotion and thought that are set in place during our gestation, we would be prisoners of our history, controlled by a forgotten past.  However, bringing our prebirth memories to consciousness through regression leads to a liberation from early negative experiences and to increased autonomy and freedom of choice.  We can jettison our subconscious scripts.  When the therapy is concluded, emotional limitations are lifted and the potential for personal fulfillment is increased.”  – Michael Gabriel

Research has found that our personalities are imprinted through our experience in the womb. What negative patterning are you ready to release?

Here are some of the types of healing that can occur in the womb.

  • Heal Prenatal Trauma
  • Release ingrained fears
  • Access Life’s purpose
  • Soul experience with physical body
  • Learn about body capability and how it is to operate it
  • Biological limitations and capabilities
  • Gain perspective on relationship with parents
  • Understand persistant problems

Visiting the time before birth can be hugely instructive and extraordinarily healing to who we are as people, why we tick, and what our very purpose is here in on Earth.

To some, regression may seem like a pie in the sky thing. I mean, who can really and truly go back to the very moment that lead to the fear, feelings of unworthiness, worry or not belonging? Could there really have been an event that laid the foundation for a fear of heights, or a maybe a physical symptom like a migraine or reliving the moment food become comfort in a chaotic household?

The answer is, YES!

Womb regression can happen spontaneously or gradually. We all have had a myriad of experiences in this human body. All of which are stored here in the subconscious mind. Regression provides a window of opportunity to access snapshots in time that are significant to us. Even if we don’t consciously recall these events, they are all archived and captured within the hard drive of our mind. When a trained regressionist is your guide, deep insight and transformation can happen. When healing of old, subconscious, prenatal wounds occurs, life exponentially improves.

Schedule Your Pre Natal Regression with Nora Today!

