Regression Hypnotherapy


So What is Regression Hypnotherapy?


Hypnosis is the art of guiding people into a frequency of mind or trance state.


Hypnotherapy is the art of using hypnosis to therapeutically support clients in creating changes on subconscious level where destructive thoughts, beliefs and patterns of behavior are held.


Regression Hypnotherapy is an advanced form of therapeutic hypnosis that has the scientific rigor, and evidence-based backing to support it’s application of shifting negative subconscious patterns of behavior to more healthy, balanced lifestyle choices.


What are the Types of Regression Therapy?



En Utero

Past Life


Life Between Lives Therapy


What are the Benefits of Regression Hypnotherapy

Rigid beliefs dissolve

Fear of death diminishes

Increased resilience in life

Increased sense of personal insight

More respectful relationship with body

Deeper confidence in personal sovereignty

Decreased need to blame

Shift from victim to empowered mindset



Schedule Your Informational Consultation Today!


Call/text 808.224.4864
605 W. Main Street.
Suite # 204. Carrboro, NC. 27510