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The Four Pillars of Essential Healing.



Here at Essential Healing, I’ve discovered that there are 4 pillars or foundations that are essential to living the life you came to the planet to live: A great, Conscious, LIFE!!!!

In my work and life experience, I’ve learned, continue to learn and continue to share these pillars of essential well being with my clients.

My work as a hypnotherapist, healer and life coach has provided me with the vantage from which to view the awe-inspiring vistas of personal healing.

Each client has their own adventure on the road to wellness and balance, and it is my privilege to be a supportive partner in that journey.

Life isn’t always easy, but I’ve identified four pillars as foundations to a great life, a life that highlights and empowers all people to live life in alignment with their unique and special purpose, personal clarity and sovereign authority.

Inner Discernment – This refers to the clarity that comes from within – your own personal wisdom and inner guidance, your intuition. When you are aligned and centered, you know what you want out of life. It’s when we introduce doubt to that clear thinking that things get muddled and confused.

Personal Sovereignty – This refers to when you trust and know that the life you are living is free from the outside influence of others.

This does not mean that we cannot have agreements with and commitments to others. It means that you take personal responsibility for every decision you’ve ever made. Period.

When this is done, and you can personally own your decisions, choices and actions, then you are personally sovereign, and that is true FREEDOM!

Aligned Inspiration – You know that feeling of electrified curiosity and joy over what’s next in your life’s adventure?

Or the feeling of total appreciation for the moment you are living?

Perhaps it’s after a great jog in nature, or after talking to a dear friend. That heightened emotional state is your indication that you are in alignment.

It’s from this place of ecstatic joy  and excitement that your most inspired ideas,  expressions, conversation, creative inventions, love making – you name it – will be generated. It is important to understand this about human nature and incorporate it into your life as frequently as possible. The more you are in a state of aligned inspiration, the better your life will be.

Empowered Action – When you’re familiar with the experience of aligned inspiration, you’ll learn to trust that all action that you take in this state is like an exponential power thruster.

It provides massive leverage to that inspired action, making all other actions limp by comparison. It will make very good sense to you to be in this aligned state when performing any action at all. I dare you to try!

Starting your day out in alignment

Start your day in a way that makes you feel great. I recommend:

  1. Setting your intention for that day (i.e., have as much fun as possible).
  2. Write the intention in a journal that you keep by your bed (those who have small children will think this is absurd, LOL).
  3. Be easy on yourself.
  4. Explore exercise and meditation practices that feel right for you.
  5. Before you go to bed write all the things that lined up with your intention (before you collapse into a comatose sleep).
  6. Allow yourself to feel appreciation for each aligned moment.
  7. Set intention for the next day and write it in your journal.
  8. Try it again.

Nora is a certified hypnotherapist, healer and life coach, and eager to be of service to you on your healing adventure!

If you would like assistance with developing your co-creative, higher vibrational alignment, contact Nora today!

EssentialHealing101.com or 808.224.4864